Dear Anja;
I am really very sorry for what was happening because of my writings, I wanted
only to be a light guest on the weblog not to create those problems. I know
that your weblog was very nice before I came to it and caused those endless
debates. So, I do not want to increase it and thanks from the bottom of my
heart for the efforts you are devoting on behalf of us. I appreciate it
tremendeously and I appreciate very much the help and support of our friends
in Holland, it is very clear how much they are connected to us. This is our
destiny as Palestinians, to be very debatable and find Israelis fighting us.
Sorry again
This is what I answered to Ramadan:
Please Ramadan, it was not you creating those problems.
Not at all. You did not cause the endless debates, they were already going
on before you. It is my fault I didn’t stop them. Now I have set some rules
for everybody who wants to be on this weblog, no attacking, only arguments,
questions. Don’t judge people you don’t know, or situations you don’t know,
ask first. Make contact. Try to learn something from the other. So in a way
you were doing us a favour. The reactions to your letter that I found
unacceptable to be on my personal weblog were a good reason for me to make
new rules. Rules that are good for everybody.
So please Ramadan, continue writing to us. Don’t let the wrong people stop
you from raising your voice. The Palestinian voice is not heard enough, it
is hidden behind prejudice and the ignorance of many people in Europe. It is
hidden behind the propaganda of Israel and the US who wants to tell us all
Arabs are terrorists, all muslims are backwards, all Palestinians like
violence because they are born that way. You know it is not true, I know it
is not true, so please Ramadan, help me to fight this stupidity and keep
writing to us.
The rules are different now, I will not allow anybody to attack a friend, I
will introduce some Arab rules, as I learned them in your country where the
foreigner who visits you is welcome and protected, and even if you disagree,
you don’t forget the rules of politeness and decency.
You remember we disagree on some things? We are still friends. We continue
to discuss. We respect each other, we don’t give up on each other, we tell
each other what we think, we make jokes, then we disagree again
passionately, and then we find again what we share.
There is a lesson in this, Ramadan. Help us to learn it.
So we await your next letter.
All the best
Dear Ramadan
As Anja already told you, you are no the reason for all the problems. The only thing you did was telling us what your life is, as a father and a palestinian in Gaza. Nothing wrong with that. And I hope that you continue with telling.
We Dutch are very good in talking about … but actually listening is more difficult.
You put a mirror in front of peoples face, but for some it is hard to deal with what they see in this mirror.
Also the people who understand about what you are talking, were trying to defend you. At least I did. because it is so hard to see the reactions from some people, it made me so angry . But your stories say enough, it is not necesary to defend you.
Dear Ramadan, it is not you who is causing a problem, it is ignorance, indifference what is causing injustice ad causing the problems.
please continue with telling us what your life is. it is an eye opener for many people. And if they disagree, it is their problem.Not yours.
Ramadan, what I would like to add to Trees’ words, is that in my opinion it is not only ignorance and indifference. It’s also irrelevant fear, I think.
Many people feel threatened, I think. Not by you of course, but by the fast growing gap between ‘East’ and ‘West’. So today many people play again the famous rhetoric record of exclusion, exclusiveness, apartheid. In a poor attempt, to protect their lives from … ja, from what?
Let’s just not be afraid. For me easier to say than for you.
Take care, and a happy birthday tomorrow for Mohammed!
Dear Ramadan and Dear Dalia,
Tomorrow will be Mohammeds birthday.
My hope is that you will remember these last days in about ten years from now, to tell him – the growing-up boy with so many dreams and puberal questions, living in a different Palestine – the story of a European weblog from a good friend where you told about his dear child’s wishes to have a plastic gunmachine to protect himself and his little babybrother.
That it is a different world then, for him and you and your beloved ones. And that you can tell him about it with a smile, about the wronged images and ignorance in the world then …
Happy Birthday Little Mohammed !
Ramadan, please give him a big hug from me ! (at least one of them many-ones you surely will give him ..)
And make sure you will give yout beautyfull Dalia one too, adressed from the Netherlands !
Thank you for being you ! Being a loving father, husband and very good friend in the Gazastrip !
From Amsterdam: Enjoy tomorrows birthday of your first and beautifull boy !
Dear Ramadan and Dahlia,
Concregulations with the 3th birthday of Mohammed, We hope you all can have a nice day togehther under this difficult circumstances
Dear Friends;
Thanks alot, you gave it a meaning the birthday and it became real for your nice wards. Mohammed, Mahmoud and Dalia are also very thankfull to you for being with us in those difficult days. We will party, I promise you and will be happy hoping to go through this difficult situation and meet with you then in loving and peacefull situation.