Terugtrekking uit de Westoever?

Terwijl Olmert de wereld wil laten geloven dat hij bezig is met de ’terugtrekking’ van Israel uit de Westoever, en dat ook nog wil verkopen als een bijdrage aan de stichting van de Palestijnse staat, gaat hij gewoon door met het verder bezetten en verder annexeren. De nederzettingen worden nog steeds uitgebreid, wat ook mag blijken uit onderstaande advertentie, waarin zakenlieden worden opgeroepen hun business met erg gunstige voorwaarden en subsidies over te plaatsen naar Palestijns gebied. Naar ‘Judea en Samaria’ om precies te zijn, de bezettersnaam voor de Westoever.

De advertentie werd opgestuurd door Ran HaCohen, een Nederlandse Israeli, van wie op dit weblog al eerder een artikel verscheen.

The Department of Industry, Commerce and Employment (referred to as ‘The ‘Department’) is interested in acquiring data on enterprises, defined by the 2005 Disengagement Implementation Law (referred to as ‘The Law’) that are ‘industrial enterprises’ under the 1959 Capital Investment Encouragement Law (referred to as ‘business’) except agricultural enterprises, that have been in the past in the Disengagement Area (defined under the Law) and that have been transferred to, or are interesting in transferring their activities to industrial areas in Judea and Samaria (referred to as ‘The Area’).

The object of this announcement is to examine possibilities of an increase of 32% in the range of subsidies of investments by enterprise owners in their new enterprises, over and above the compensation and grant given to them under para. 70-a of ‘The Law’, in the conditions in which industrial or business plants that are transferred to Judea and Samaria and engage Israeli citizens would be eligible to the above grant (subsidy?), all in order to stimulate establishing enterprises in these areas (Judea and Samaria) while creating sources of employment.

Any business or enterprise owner that has relocated, or is interested in relocating to Judea-Samaria, should apply to this department as follows

A business or enterprise owner, defined under Para. 62 of The Law, should apply to the Investment Center in the Industry, Commerce and Employment Department. An enterprise owner is defined as a person

The business or enterprise owner received, or is eligible to receive, a grant under para. 70-a of ‘The Law’

State the location of the relocated business plant

State the number of employed Israeli citizens

Any relevant detail about the functioning of the plant following its relocation

It is stressed that the Department has not yet decided whether or not to extend the grant to business enterprises relocating to Judea and Samaria , and this announcement is solely intended to gather data on which basis the Department will consider follow-up actions on this subject.

This announcement does not constitute an obligation by the Department towards any respondent, and the Department reserves the right to act in the Public Interest.

The Department reserves the right to request clarifications from any (or all) respondents without detracting from the above announcement.

Applications should be submitted by July 27, 2006 to Mr. Etan Yeheskiely, Chief Economist, Department of Industry, Commerce and Employment , 5 Bank Israel St., Jerusalem. Fax 02-666-2904.


Eén gedachte over “Terugtrekking uit de Westoever?

  1. De Israëlische regering is niet van plan om terug te trekken. En ze gaan verder met het uitbreiden van hun bezetting van Palestina. Ook de buren zijn nog niet veilig. Op dit moment is het Israëlische leger Libanon binnen getrokken met groot materieel. Wat heeft dat voor gevolgen voor heel Midden-Oosten?
    En wat kunnen wij ertegen doen?

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