To our friends in Gaza


To our friends in Gaza: this message on the wall near Ramallah is for you.



Voor wie een boodschap op de muur wil laten zetten, hier.
Het is van alles tegelijk: een kleine actie om te protesteren tegen de muur, een manier om vrienden, geliefden of wie ook wat te zeggen. En er hebben weer een paar Palestijnen een bijverdienste aan. Initiatief van Justus van Oel.

4 gedachten over “To our friends in Gaza

  1. Dear Anja;

    It is really wounderful, I could not beleive my eyes when I saw it. You all are thinking of us wherever you are and whatever you are doing. We with the little electricity we have still follow up what your doing as we all beleive that you think of us in all what your doing.


  2. Dear Friends,

    Despite all what we are undergoing, your words give us power and steadfastness. From the bottom of our hearts, we are so grateful for all what your doing for us. Your explosively touching deeds pave our way towards freedom and justice. May God bless you all, and to aid you to support humanity all over the world.

    NCCR team

  3. Dear Friends,

    thank you so much for supporting us, and we appreciate all what you do. Your contributions are unforgetable and everlasting in our hearts and minds. From your deeds, we could attain steadfastness and identity. may God bless you and grant you success and good health.


  4. Hello our nice friends
    It’s really kind of you to bear us in mind all during the time ………
    Many great thanks for your blessed words which recharge both our willingness and fortitude to pass whatever slab our life.
    Actually , you execute great endeavors by your enduring support which return smiles on our people’s lips and hearts as we feel that many nice people still sympathy
    our pains and sufferings , so keep on providing us with your soft words….

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