And there lie the bodies

Te gast: Gideon Levy

The legend, lest it be a true story, tells of how the late mathematician, Professor Haim Hanani, asked his students at the Technion to draw up a plan for constructing a pipe to transport blood from Haifa to Eilat. The obedient students did as they were told. Using logarithmic rulers, they sketched the design for a sophisticated pipeline. They meticulously planned its route, taking into account the landscape’s topography, the possibility of corrosion, the pipe’s diameter and the flow calibration. When they presented their final product, the professor rendered his judgment: You failed. None of you asked why we need such a pipe, whose blood will fill it, and why it is flowing in the first place.
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Why Bombing Ashkelon is The Most Tragic Irony

Te gast: Robert Fisk

How easy it is to snap off the history of the Palestinians, to delete the
narrative of their tragedy, to avoid a grotesque irony about Gaza which – in
any other conflict – journalists would be writing about in their first
reports: that the original, legal owners of the Israeli land on which Hamas
rockets are detonating live in Gaza.
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Ramadan Hussein from Gaza


It began to be clear that all of us meant to be attacked, if not our bodies is our souls and dignity. This morning I decided to visit one of my relatives who was injured yesterday. I did not recognize the streets and the roads. This was very clear that the tears I had in my eyes are due to the bombs. My body is intact and I am not injured but I felt a very deep pain inside me. Why is this happening to us, why us in the world, are we the only people in this world with mistakes. Animals have the right to defend themselves against their enemies, why don’t we have this right?
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