Te gast: Eyad Sarraj
Gaza, December 28, 2008
Best way to secure Israel is Justice to Palestine
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Te gast: Eyad Sarraj
Gaza, December 28, 2008
Best way to secure Israel is Justice to Palestine
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Te gast: Safa Joudeh, Live from Palestine, 28 December 2008
Here’s an update on what’s happening here from where I am, the second night of Israeli air (and sea) raids on Gaza.
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Trying to ’teach Hamas a lesson’ is fundamentally wrong
Te gast: Tom Segev
(vertaling is te vinden op de website van SIVMO, hier)
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Te gast: Zvi Barel
As of yesterday, politicians and the public at large have been enthralled by a new prospect: that of a wide-scale military operation in the Gaza Strip. Such a prospect answers all their heart’s secret wishes: Avenging the rocket fire by Gazan militants, reclaiming Israel’s prestige, delivering a fatal blow to Hamas, providing payback for Israel’s 2005 pullout from Gaza, sending a strong message to Iran, an implicit one to Hezbollah, and also showing the government’s concern for its citizens and scoring some points with the electorate ahead of the elections.
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A Palestinian living in the Gaza Strip describes the chaos and terror that ensued following a day of widespread Israeli air strikes across the densely-populated territory, which has already been devastated by months of an ongoing Israeli-imposed siege.
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“The amount of death and destruction is inconceivable”
Safa Joudeh writing from the occupied Gaza Strip, Live from Palestine, 27 December 2008
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Te gast: Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 27 December 2008
“I will play music and celebrate what the Israeli air force is doing.” Those were the words, spoken on Al Jazeera today by Ofer Shmerling, an Israeli civil defense official in the Sderot area adjacent to Gaza, as images of Israel’s latest massacres were broadcast around the world.
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Nieuws op de radio: Israel staat klaar voor een nieuwe militaire aanval op Gaza. Reden: dat er weer Kassam raketten zijn afgeschoten. Waarom dat gebeurde, wat er aan vooraf ging, iets over de bezetting: nee hoor. Ik erger me zo vaak dat ik er niet meer toe kom nog te protesteren. Gelukkig doen anderen dat wel. Zoals Clara Legêne. Bij de NOS heeft dat zin, zegt ze uit ervaring, bij bijvoorbeeld Netwerk krijg je niet eens antwoord. (Wat nog niet wil zeggen dat het zinloos is, denk ik). Voor klachten bij de NOS, hoe dat moet: hier.
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I do not get so many messages from Gaza nowdays. I understand: people are tired, they need all their energy just to survive, get bread, get gas, get fuel, get their kids safely to school, take care their mobiles are recharged when the is electricity is on, worry about the medicine for your old father, entertain the children when they are bored because there is no tv and no internet..And days are short and dark and getting colder. And then Israels threatens with another attack. And there is nowhere to hide or to escape to.
I understand people sometimes are too depressed to tell us how they are: the same as yesterday, last week, last month, last year, only worse, would be the answer.
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(Mensen in de rij bij een van de laatste bakkers die nog brood heeft)
Te gast: Sameh A. Habeeb, Live from Palestine, 25 December 2008
(Vertaling als reactie hieronder)
Hunger before the storm
Israeli politicians, in the run-up to elections, are promising to deal a severe blow to Gaza as this is how Israeli policy is made. However, every household in Gaza is already under siege. In Gaza you can only find pale, angry and frustrated faces. If you visit my house you won’t find power, while my neighbor is out of gas. Another neighbor seeks potable water as power outages have left him without for four days. A third neighbor desparately looks for milk for his child but does so in vain. Another friend who lives on the corner needs medicine that can’t currently be found in Gaza.
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